
Where To Find Work From Home Jobs 20 Places


Today I want to share with you where to find work from home jobs, I will give 20 websites that you can take advantage of and start generating income right from home. I understand that lots of people are losing their jobs due to the COVID-19 outbreak, I just watched a heartbreaking video on social media of a Dad and his daughter.

Dad was just expressing his frustration after losing both his jobs. And even though the little girl didn’t fully understand the impact this new development will have on the family. You could tell she was very sad. I guess she was sad because Dad was sad. After watching that video I decided to do some research and give you some ideas on where to find work from home jobs, these are jobs you can do to lessen the burden of losing your job.

Here Is Where To Find Work From Home Jobs

I already have another post that has 5 work from home jobs but I had to add some more. Let’s start with working from home as a review writer. Many companies these days want to find people to review their products. And that is where sites like G2.com  Come in handy. All you need to signup for G2 is your email address.

By signing up on this site, you will be able to review software. the category of products includes security software, hosting, Marketing, customer service, digital advertising, just to name a few. I am sure you will find something that you can review, and make extra cash.

The next website that might be useful to you is Capterra.com this is a place where you can earn anywhere between $150 to $250  reviewing apps and software. If you are the kind of person who is familiar with software and apps, then you can make good money with this site. But even if you don’t have experience with the software that they send you to review, that’s what Google is for.

You Will Need A LinkedIn Account To Join Capterra


The way to join Capterra is different from other websites, they want you to have a verified LinkedIn account, and that is how you signup. Not to worry you can join LinkedIn very easily. If you are not sure what LinkedIn is, its just a social site for professionals, actually you should create a LinkedIn account if you are looking for a job because that is where companies go to look for people to employ.

So create your LinkedIn account and list all your qualifications there. The payment they use is either by eBay, Amazon, and other reputable online shopping websites. Or virtual visa cards, that can be used to shop online.

More Ideas On Where To Find Work From Home Jobs

Online Teaching Jobs There are many websites that you can visit and find a teaching job. and one of these websites is tutor.com If you have teaching qualifications, then you can join this site and start tutoring students online. Of course in my previous article top 5 work from home jobs, I mentioned VIPKID.

But there is a site where you don’t need a teaching degree to teach people, this is a website where actually you don’t even need to teach, you just need to speak to someone in English. The site is called Cambly. People will pay you to help them improve their English by holding a normal conversation.

You can make up to $10, and if you are an American or are native English speakers, you will have lots of clients. Just remember that all these jobs require you to have a good internet connection, a laptop. And in the case of Cambly, you might need a good microphone.

Other Work From Home Jobs


Flexjobs, this is a website that helps you find work from home jobs, But there is a downside to this website. even though it’s a reputable website that has been helping people find work from home jobs since 2007, it’s not free, in order for you to use this website you have to signup for one of their plans.

signing up to their monthly plan will cost you $14.95 their next plan is the 3-month plan which will cost you $29.95 And their annual plan will cost you $49.95.

Jobpresso.com is another site that will help you find your dream work from home job, you can create your account with them and post your resume. and also you can browse through their job listings, and chances are there is a position you qualify for. You can also visit remoters.net.

User Testing, Transcript Jobs

There are also many websites that pay you to complete different tasks online, these sites include survey sites like Amazon Mechanical Turk  mturk.com this is a site that is run by amazon the users or the Turks, perform different tasks that could include taking surveys. Now you will not make big money with Amazon Turk, from my research I have found that you will have to complete a total of about 200 tasks, to make $50, which even it the tasks don’t take too long, they are quite boring and they can take time.

Based on the reviews I read, people complained that the money you make from turk.com does not even meet the US hourly minimum wage requirement. with the highest earner making about $5 To $6 an hour, and it’s not guaranteed. I recently did a review of Prolific, and I think Prolific would be better than the Turk, or you can sign up to both, that way you might make a reasonable amount.

I actually think, the best way to maximize your earnings with these kinds of sites is to join a bunch of them if you have lots of time to spend on the internet and just keep completing different tasks.

Rev.com, this is a site that many freelancers use to find transcript jobs. You can complete tasks like turning audio into text, or video to text. writing captions for videos or translating subtitles.

You Can Also Use Sites Like Fiverr To Post Gigs, And Get Paid For Your Services


The next site that I am going to mention, had mixed reviews on the Trustpilot site. Which is a site where people leave their reviews about different websites. There were some that were happy, and there were others that were very angry. But if you would like to check it out, its called usertesting.com

Of course, there are other websites that you can use to post your skills. Such sites are upwork.com, glassdoor.com freelancer, and Fiverr. If you have graphic design or web design knowledge, then you need to get on Fiverr, now. And post your gig there. Also if you like writing, you can be hired by bloggers to write content for them.

Also, you can be hired to create things like logos, manage Pinterest accounts, write speeches, video editing products photography or just any kind of photography. just to mention a few.

You can also choose to work from home as a blogger. In which case you will build your own website or start a Youtube channel. But that will take sometime before you can start making some money. Although I do think its a good idea to start your own blog. It will not start earning your money immediately and that is why I think you need to find a job, that will start generating income. You build your website while you are working on any jobs that I have mentioned earlier.

Especially if you go for those websites where you need to perform some tasks like writing a review or testing a website. While you wait for the tasks to be available, you can spend that time building your website. You can go Here to build your website.

Other websites include 






There are many places that you can find work from home jobs. And ways to earn money online. So don’t lose hope. if you have an internet connection and a computer, put them to good use and you will not have to suffer because of your job loss.

Anyway, I have done what I can, please take care of yourself and your family. All will be well in time.

Thank you so much for reading my post. And if you have found value in what I have written, then please share this post on your social media. And also please drop me a comment below. How are you coping with the current situation of our planet? leave your comments below.


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