What Is Long Tail Pro about

What Is Long Tail Pro About? My Honest Review


Today we are going to talk about long tail keywords and we going to see what Is Long Tail Pro about this is my honest review of long tail pro keyword research tool, we are going to see if its worth the money and also we are going to see if all the noise about this tool is based on facts or its just people trying to get you to spend your money on yet another product that doesn’t work.

What Is A Long Tail Keyword?

Before we get started, if you are a beginner and maybe you are not even sure what a long tail keyword is, let me touch on it just a little bit so you can have an idea as to what we are talking about. See, I like addressing beginners and explaining things properly because I know that we are all at different stages of Affiliate Marketing and I want you to have a good experience when you are on letsworkinpjs.com.

A long tail keyword is a keyword that has many words in it, and it’s very focused. for example, you could target>> how to lose weight fast without dieting<< that is a long tail keyword, the shot versions of that keyword that you could rank in are >> lose weight, lose weight fast, lose weight dieting, lose weight without dieting<<

So as you can see, you have 4 keywords within one longtail keyword.

The advantage of using long tail keywords, is that you are targeting people who will type that phrase in the search bar but you are also targeting people who could use a number of combinations using the words that are within you long tail keyword as I have shown above this means, you could rank for any phrase within that keyword because you are actually targeting a number of keywords within one keyword.

I hope I have given you an understanding as to what a long tail keyword is. Now, how do you find the right phrases to use as long tail keywords? this is where the Long Tail Pro comes in handy. Let’s see what is Long Tail Pro about, and how can it help you find low competition keywords.

Name – Long Tail Pro

Price- $37 monthly, but there is an annual option which includes free access to Long Tail Pro University

Website- www.longtailpro.com

Category- Keyword Research Tool

Year Launched- 2011

My rating of this product- 8 out of 10

So What is Long Tail Pro and How Does It Work?

what Is Long Tail Pro about

Long Tail Pro is a keyword research tool created by Spencer Haws in 2011 which he later sold in 2016 for a lot of money and the funny thing about this guy is that he did not even develop the tool himself, according to his blog post which he wrote after selling Long Tail Pro, he says that he is not a programmer yet he managed to own and then sell a product that is creating lots of revenue and a product that many affiliate marketers are happy with.

The Long Tail Pro works by generating keywords for you and you can do bulk keyword research by adding as many as many seed words as you like and then click generate keywords, this is where the Long Tail Pro will do its magic and give you results, this tool is helpful whether you are doing research for your ad Compaighns or just doing research for your articles.

By doing just one search on Long Tail Pro, you will get thousands of keywords that you can leverage, You can narrow down your keywords by being specific when it comes to the number of searches that particular keyword receives per month and you can continue to narrow it down until you get to the desired performance of the keyword.

I think this makes things so easy because you can just save your keywords and start creating content or your ad campaigns targeting those long tail keywords.

And when you are doing your long tail keyword research you can choose just how long you want the keyword to be by putting the number of words you want the keyword to contain. And if maybe you are thinking of starting a new website, you can also search for availability of domains that match your keywords.

Who Is Long Tail Pro For And What Are Features Offered?

what Is Long Tail Pro about

Long Tail Pro is a very Powerful SEO Keyword research tool and its very helpful to bloggers, YouTubers and Affiliate Marketers who want to find low competition keywords that will bring organic traffic to their websites, the Long Tail Pro is also helpful to people who are running ad campaigns on Google, Yahoo and Bing because it gives you in-depth analysis of each keyword including the earning potential.

Features include

Bulk Keyword research

Real-time filter,( changes the results as you are typing)

Site rank analysis feature

Private Facebook group

Check for keyword-rich domain names

Free access to Long Tail University ( when you go for annual Plan)

My Verdict On Long Tail Pro

what Is Long Tail Pro about

So as you can see, this tool will prove very handy when it comes to your online business as it will help you maximize your reach by bringing tons of organic traffic to your website. If  you would like to give it a try, you can click here and try it for $1 for 10 days

I think this is a good product and I think it’s worth the money, I mean the price is not crazy so its OK, I just wished they could have let people give it a test drive without giving financial information, I like it when people let you try something before you commit even a dollar. And that’s why I gave it a rating of 8 instead of my usual 9, I usually give a rating of 9 to products that make me really happy.

Check out this review if you would like to see a keyword research tool that allows you to do 30 searches for absolutely free no credit card or financial information required. Click Here to try now.


A keyword research tool is mandatory for any affiliate marketer or blogger, and when you find a good keyword research tool, your results will be mind-blowing. And for someone who is just starting out in Affiliate Marketing, and blogging, it’s very important that you find long tail keywords that have low competition so you can rank and start gaining authority with search engines.

I have given you my honest opinion on Long Tail Pro, and its up to you now to take the necessary step to take your business to the next level, we all know that it really boils down to traffic, and by using a keyword research tool to generate Organic traffic is the best way to go.

Thank you so much for reading this review and I would like you to share your thoughts below in the comment area and I will be more than happy to interact with you.

Thank you for your time


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14 comments on “What Is Long Tail Pro About? My Honest Review

  1. Hi Rose! 

    Thank you for your honest article. What has really got me excited is the amount of keywords that i can leverage based upon the results that show up. I personally have had a hard time finding the long tail keywords myself and i am also currently on the look out for new tools for my site.

    Again thanks for the review and 1$ for 10 days sounds too good to be true so am getting that for sure.


    1. Hi, Sid, give it a try and please get back to us with your feedback if you have the time, thank you so much for your comment.

  2. This is quite interesting. Especially for us bloggers and affiliate marketers. Getting long-tail keywords really helps in creating good content that will then rank for a lot of keywords. Because people are typing whole phrases in search engines and if you can use long-tail keywords to capture the essence of what they are typing, it will be awesome.

    I will give this tool a try, I think 10 days are enough to get the right idea. I will come back to inform you of my final impression.


    1. Hi, Adyns, yes finding the right long-tail keyword is vital for any website. Yes please give the Long Tail Pro a try and see how it feels and then get back to us with your findings.

  3. Hello

    I am a beginner in the Wealthy Affiliate program. I know that it needs time, patience and some good advice in order to earn your own passive income one day. I know that you have to use keywords but the tips you give are helpful and very useful, such as the program you propose. I will try it, as the price is very nice. I agree that you have to use long-tail keywords that have low competition and the results will be the desired.

    Thanks again. Thodoris

    1. Hi Thodoris, wow! what a pleasure to meet a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I am a member there too. yes, you are right, in order to make money online, you need lots of patience and determination. Another thing you need is a good keyword research tool, so you can find the right keywords to use.

      And for a beginner who’s website is still new, a long tail keyword is the best to go, so you can increase your chances of ranking in Google, Yahoo and Bing.

      I wish you success in your business and thank you for visiting my website.

  4. Hi, your review about longtail is very helpful for online business owner like me, am.just new to blogging and I notice I don’t get traffic on my website because I don’t use any keyword finder like longtail, your post have open my eye to a lot of things to grow my business, I will give it a try and purchased I through your website because I will do any thing to acquire my success online and I appreciate your information am going to share your post for like minded to also benefit on my social media.

    1. Hello, there, I am glad that you found my review helpful, yes please start using keywords in your articles so you can be found and you can be able to share your content with people and build your audience, thank you so much for your comment.

      I wish you lots of success with your website, and if you ever need tips, please feel free to contact me.

  5. Dear Rose,

    Thanks a lot for the thorough and comprehensive review post.

    I often come across posts and ads on the Long Tail Pro keyword tool. Pat Flynn is also recommending it which got my attention and interest. I wanted to do some research to find more information about it and I came across your helpful review.

    Long Tail Pro is in the market for a while (8+ years) that’s good news. Bulk keyword research and Real-time filter features sound interesting. As you mentioned I too prefer free trial without giving my card details.

    Being a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer content writing plays an important role in my online business. I am happy to see you are recommending the same keyword research tool which I am using now.

    I got helpful insights from this review and your reviewed saved me a lot of time.

    Much Success!


    1. Wow! hello Paul, I can’t believe you are commenting on my website, I am a big fan of your website and I like reading your articles, wow! I am star struck right now lol Thank you so much, you don’t know how happy I am to see your comment.

      Thank you so much.

  6. Hi Rose, Thank you for writing so clearly and explaining long tail as a concept and in regards to this tool. I am interested in this as I am a new site builder and I am learning that targeting low competition keywords is a winner. My gosh there is a lot to learn and sadly sites involved with internet marketing can be the most prone to being pushy.

    I like your style it allows me to assess this product without thinking if I don’t buy it I will fail. I can clearly see the benefits of this tool and have bookmarked your site so I can at the very least give that trial a go. As it’s for a limited time I’m going to make sure I have time spare to play with it properly.

    If I already have access to Jaaxy do you think I would need this as well? Does this offer enough more that would make it worth using both? 

    Thank you for your guidance and review style. 

    1. Hi, Key, first I want to thank you for reading my review, when it comes to Jaaxy vs Long Tail Pro, I say give it the 10 day trial and see which one you think is better, if you haven’t upgraded to Jaaxy Enterprise, then the trail of Long Tail Pro will give you an idea. 

      As to whether to upgrade to Jaaxy enterprise or go for the Long Tail Pro.

  7. Hello,

    Thanks a lot for this well researched post. It is quite eye opening. As a blogger, I find this information on the Long Tail Pro quite important. 

    It’s interesting to read about Spencer Haws and how he was able to sell this product for a huge amount of money even though he was not a developer himself. 

    I have a question, when I use this keyword research tool, would I be safe to assume that the search results and keyword suggestions it generates would be viable and usable for rankings specific to YouTube?


    Boniface from AndroidBix 

    1. Hi, the Long Tail Pro is a keyword research tool which means you can use it to research long-tail keywords for YouTube as well as Blog posts.

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