Start Here

Hi, welcome to my website, my name is Rose, and I am the founder and creator of

A Little Bit About Me


My story is different from the typical stories you read about online business owners. First of all, I live in Greece, actually, I live on a beautiful Greek island. I know what you are thinking now, you are thinking, here we go, she is going to start bragging about how she made money online and was able to move to an exotic Greek island.

 Yes I Live On A Greek Island But My Story Is Different


I did not move to Greece as a result of success in online business, I moved here to join my husband soon after we got married. I was in love and I did not think things through, like what I am I gonna do when I arrive in Greece in terms of work. So here I was in a foreign country, didn’t speak the language, and it was going to take some time for me to learn the language and be able to find work.

I had 3 things at my disposal and those three things were, my laptop, my smartphone, a stable internet connection, and lots of free time. I decided there has to be something I can do online, so I started searching, I knew I could set up a blog because I had done it in the past, but I did not know how I can make money with a blog, yes I had tried to learn affiliate marketing but I just couldn’t succeed because of upsales, also I kept failing when I tried creating websites, due to lack of knowledge.

To cut the story short, I found this platform that is a one-stop-shop so to speak, they offer affiliate marketing training, they also offer a keyword research tool, Webhosting, with 24-hour  site support, SEO training, and a bunch of courses covering anything you can think of when it comes to making money online.

There Is Also A Community Of Over 2 million Members To Network With

When you join the world of online business, you need lots of encouragement and reassurance, and that is why this platform is so unique, you get to exchange ideas with likeminded people, and not only that, you also get to hear stories from people who have been where you are and are now running successful online businesses.

I Wanted To Be A Part Of This Success


Stories like these gave me hope



When I joined, I couldn’t help but notice the number of success stories, And I wanted to be a part of the success, but I was skeptical because I was aware of online scams and fake success stories, nevertheless, I decided to try it for free for 7 days, and then I upgraded so I can try for a month, it was only $19 dollars.

I was able to create and launch my website with just a few clicks

Create Your website now. 100% Free. No risk, no credit card required.


Did you know that you can build a website in just 30 seconds? You don’t believe me? Watch the video below.



There you have it, folks, that is how I was able to build this website and a couple more. Before joining this platform  I didn’t really have web design skills or article writing skills not to mention SEO, and now I am able to research and write articles in any topic, and I am able to optimize it for search engines thanks to the SEO training, and the SEO research tool that I get included in my membership.

Are You Ready To Give This Platform A Test Drive For Free?

If the answer is yes, then go ahead and click the link below, I will be waiting to welcome you and to show you the ropes, I will help you get started and you can bounce your ideas on me so we can help you grow your online business no matter what niche you want to target.

Join Us For Free No Credit Card Required

I am waiting for you on the other side



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2 comments on “Start Here

  1. Umejifunza vitu kadhaa juu ya affiliate, mimi niko tanzania and sina blog wala web and siwezi handle there domain for now , so nmepata ideas tofauti za kufanya affiliate bila kua na website or YouTube channel just for free traffics kama FB groups, Quora, na Reddit , ila bado najifunza dada so if naweza pata mwongozo zaid ntashukuru sana.

    1. Nakuelewa, naffikiri ni vizuri uwe na ata kama ni Youtube channel, inasaidia watu kukuamini, na piya kuweza kukujuwa vizuri. waweza piya jaribu TikTok. Hapo utaweza kutuma watu kwa affiliate links zako.
      na piya waweza kutengeneza hela ukitumia Tiktok kwanza ukifikisha one thousand followers.

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