top 10 affiliate programs

Top 10 Affiliate Programs You Must Join


Hi, Guys, I am so excited to share with you a list of Affiliate programs that you have to join right now and start making money, these are programs that I am involved in and I can confidently recommend them. The thing is I find that most people are creating content about making money online but they are not sharing where exactly they are making money with or which programs they are involved in.

I am not afraid to share my list of affiliate programs because by you joining the same program that I am in, you are not going to take my share, you are just going to make your own money with the products you choose to promote. Besides what is the point of me having this website where I talk about making money online and giving you tips on how to make money online.

If I am not gonna hold your hand and show you which programs to join?

So the secret is out here are top 10 affiliate programs you must join now

top 10 affiliate programs

As you guys know, I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and that is where I learned Affiliate marketing and how to create websites and make money with websites, so its obvious that I will recommend this program, they have an affiliate program that pays very good commissions, they have promotional materials like banners that you can place on your website and make money when someone clicks the banners and joins the program.

If you are in the make money online niche like I am with this website, there are many products to promote within Wealthy Affiliate like Web hosting, Keyword research tool, website builder, affiliate marketing training, and much more.

My next affiliate program is Green Geeks, this is a web hosting company and they are very environmental cautious, they have been providing Eccofrindly web hosting for over 10 years now. The best thing about this particular program, they make it absolutely easy to join and you will be approved within 24 hours, I was actually approved after just 6 hours of applying.

They offer affordable high speed and uptime of 99.9% web hosting with their basic plan being $2.95 per month, which means many people will be able to afford to host their websites with this company and help our environment in the process, I think that is awesome.

And they have amazing commission rates up to $100 per sale, and you won’t have a problem promoting web hosting because no matter what niche you are in, you can most definitely do a review of your favorite web hosting. And speaking of web Hosting there is another company that you have to join, you just have to.

This web hosting company is making people good money and they treat their affiliates with the most respect and give you tips on how to maximize your earnings within their platform.

This affiliate program makes it easy for you to make more money

top 10 affiliate programs

I actually did a review of them a while back, I am talking about one of the biggest Web hosting companies in the world, Bluehost. If you are not an affiliate with Bluehost, you need to join their program now, Bluehost has been in business for over 16 years and they know what they are doing, they have built a trusted brand and you will not have a problem promoting their offers.

You can even just place their banners on your website and you will start making money because Bluehost promotes itself, they have over 2 million websites hosted and the number is growing day and night, so why not take advantage of their affiliate program. They will contact you as soon as you apply and once approved they will advise you how best to promote their offers and how to increase your commissions.

When I first joined their affiliate program, I was contacted by one of their affiliate managers and we had a very productive conversation and we forged a plan on how best I should promote their offers and how I can take my commissions even higher than the average which is $65 per referral the manager gave me steps to take so I can raise my commissions to $75 per referral and even higher as more people host their websites in Bluehost thorough my links.

So I highly recommend you join the Bluehost Affiliate program.

Because I run several websites, I am involved in many Affiliate programs and that is why I thought about doing this post because anyone can benefit from this post no matter which niche you are in, for example, I am a member of Amazon Associates and this affiliate program covers every niche under the sun.

I mean whatever you are involved in with your website you can join Amazon Associates and you will have thousands of products to promote, so again I recommend Amazon Associates especially for beginners because this is the easiest program to join and the easiest to promote, I mean amazon products just sell themselves, you don’t have to do a very hard convincing job when you are doing Amazon products reviews.

Remember to always read the term of service carefully

top 10 affiliate programs

One thing you have to be aware of when it comes to Amazon Associates, they are very strict and you have to read their terms of service very carefully so you don’t break the rules. Now even though their commissions are on the low side at around 6%, you are able to make good money depending on your content and your traffic.

The beauty of being an Amazon Associate, a customer, doesn’t necessarily have to buy the product you are promoting on your website, as long as they click your link and go to Amazon, whatever they buy withing 24 hours of clicking your link, you will get the commission. For example, I had a review of face creams on my skincare website.

A customer clicked on my link but they did not buy the face cream I was recommending, they bought a camera instead, I still got the commission from the camera, I think that is really cool. And don’t forget eBay, just like Amazon, eBay covers every niche you can think of and eBay is more relaxed when it comes to their affiliates.

They even allow you to share your links on Pinterest where people can just click on your pins and go straight to eBay, and you make commissions where Amazon is a bit strict about sharing links on social media, I actually contacted a representative of Amazon on this issue and I did not get a straight answer as to whether its allowed to use your links on Pinterest.

So it’s better to just do reviews and then direct your Pinterest traffic to your review on your website just to be on the safe side.

If you are into Affiliate marketing training and digital products, then of course Clickbank is the program to join and its super easy to join, and actually, it’s not just about digital products but I just mentioned that because most people who want to promote digital products prefer ClickBank.

But you can join ClickBank even if you are into other niches like weight loss, healthy living, spiritual awareness, and many other niches, they have many categories to choose from.

Another Affiliate network that covers almost any niche is ShareAsale, to join is very easy and you have many products to choose from no matter your niche travel, fashion, websites, beauty, environmental focused niche, whatever the niche, you will find products to promote.

And if you want to send your audience to a website where they can learn all things about online marketing and making money online, then, is a good place to send them and you will earn commission by referring people to this program, they offer a lot of free courses and training, covering all kinds of topics in making money online and affiliate marketing, and their forum is definitely worth checking out.

There is a lot of resource and lots of things to learn especially if one is looking for a forum to follow and its been updated every hour, there is new material being shared, so there is always something new to learn.

Think outside the box and find ways to expand your niche to promote more products

top 10 affiliate programs

If you are in the travel niche or online dating niche, then I think Commission Juction will be the best affiliate network to join because for travel niche they have companies like sky scanner,, trip advisor and other big travel brands including airlines and cruise companies.

And for online dating niche, they have brands like Harmony and other major dating sites that you can promote, they also have other products that could complement an online dating niche like jewelry, watches and other things, and actually travel products can also fall into online dating niche.

The last affiliate program that I am going to include in this list is another Web hosting company, remember whatever niche you are in, you will always have a chance to promote a web hosting provider, and actually you should always look for products that compliment your niche so you can broaden your earnings. So our last one on this list but not the least is

Always try to think outside the box, for example if you are in the dating niche, try to think what product you can include and find a way to make it work within your niche, for example, you can do content around what to wear on your first date, and right there you can promote all kinds of things, clothes, shoes, jewelry, watches.

Then you can do romantic getaway ideas, there you have created a chance to promote all kinds of things like hotels, flights, luggage, travel accessories, all kinds of things. I am giving you secrets that could expand your business, right here and I am actually sharing with you methods that I have tried myself.

So always try to find a way to expand your niche, and promote more products, that’s how you grow your online business, by expanding and before you know it, your website will be earning you a full time income right from the comfort of your home.


Before you start promoting any product, always make sure to read the term of service very carefully, make sure you are using their links the way they want you to, for example, Amazon does not allow you to shorten their links. Each affiliate program has its own rules so its very important that you read each agreement carefully to avoid loss of revenue.

I decided to write this post because I did not want to be hypocritical like I have seen on the internet where some people claim to give you tips on how to make money online, but they are not willing to share, where and how they are making their money online.

This ten programs that I have shared today are the programs that I am personally involved in and that is why I am recommending them to you because I know they work very well, some will send you money to your PayPal, some will do direct deposits to your bank account, like Amazon, they just deposit your money to your Bank account but you can also opt for a check to your mailbox.

So it’s really up to you to choose how you want to get paid.

Because I am always looking out for beginners in affiliate marketing, I recommend that you join Wealthy Affiliate, Amazon, eBay, Bluehost, and HostGator because those are easy to promote because they are big companies and they are known so you will be able to refer people easily and in case of Amazon and EBay, you will be able to find product easily to promote and people are familiar with those brands which make your job easier.

Thank you so much for your time. Please leave your comments below, are you involved in any of these affiliate networks and if so do you like the experience and the services they offer?

Let’s keep this conversation going in the comments.


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