
Scams On YouTube, There Are So Many These Days


OK, so recently there have been so many scams on YouTube. I don’t know if it’s because most people are working from home or searching for ways to work from home, and so maybe the scammers are taking full advantage of this fact. Every video you click to watch on YouTube if the video is not scamming you, then it’s the comment section that is trying to scam you. If you scroll to the comment section, you will see all kinds of comments suggesting that you can make quick money doing X Y Z.

But it’s not only that There are also so many videos that are just scamming and lying to people, and they always have big figures like make $200 per hour doing nothing lol The scams on YouTube are becoming a big problem, and I hope YouTube will take action.

The Big Figures Are Used To Entice You, Just Like Some Creators Use Click Baits

The comment section scams usually they would throw in a figure like $5k per week or something like that. then they would type a name of a website that you must visit immediately or you will lose your spot. I came across a website, called paid to be I will tell you in a minute about paid to be but first I want to ask you a question, have you noticed the number of scams on YouTube lately? especially on the comment section of your favorite creators? This is exactly how I came across this website.

There were countless comments on the videos I watched on YouTube these past couple of weeks and the one that dominated the comment section on all the videos is the so-called paid to be home website. So this sparked my curiosity, and I took it upon myself to investigate the site.

So I went to Google and checked the site, I decided to go to the website. And, as soon as I clicked into the site, I knew I had made a big mistake. But I had come too far to turn back so I went ahead and clicked on the button that said first step to $100.

They Make You Spam Other People YouTube Comment Sections


When I did that I was told the first step is to copy the URL which they provided, and I had to go to YouTube and paste that URL to seven videos! I logged to an old YouTube account that I have but I never use and proceeded to do as I was told.

I was not going to use my usual YouTube account because there was no way I was going to let people see me behaving in that manner. But I had to investigate this site so I can save you the trouble because I am sure you have seen those spam comments on the comment section of your favorite YouTube creators.

OK, so I went ahead and pasted the links and I felt so bad doing it, and it’s like the universe was punishing me because the videos that popped up were cats giving birth, and other videos that I will not discuss here but I am sure the universe was teaching me a lesson lol. I should mention that I did delete those comments afterward.

I, Of Course, Went Back To The Videos And Deleted My Comments

So after going through the first step, I returned to the site thinking my next step will be to collect my $100 I mean because that’s what the comments said on YouTube that you can make up to $600 per day! Well, the next step was to click yet another link that took me to a different website.

On this website, I was told to fill out a form, I quickly scanned the form and decided to abandon the mission, I was not going to go any further because obviously I was gonna keep giving personal information to these sites, they were asking for a lot of personal information.

Where Is My $100? Show Me The Money


They said I was signing up for a program where I will be taught how to make money online By a successful blogger. At this point I was asking, what happened to my $100, they said I was just 2 steps away to collect my $100, the first step was to copy-paste the links and the next step was to collect my money lol

Based on what I saw on that website, people do just as I did, they spam other peoples comment section on YouTube, then they go back thinking that’s all they had to do to collect quick cash, but when they go back to the paid to be home site, they find out that it’s not what they thought it was.

But since they already pasted the links, others see the links and they do as I did, go to the site, and so on, and so forth. Look, don’t waste your time, there is no $100 waiting for you after spamming people’s YouTube pages. And there are so many sites, if you have seen such comments please ignore them.

My Computer Said Good Bye And I Had To Take It To The Shop To Be Fixed


Now I don’t know if this is connected to me clicking through to those websites but, my computer crashed, immediately after, And I have spent over $150 to get it fixed. The hard drive had to be changed and other things to do with software issues. Everything had to be flushed, and I have spent lots of time reinstalling all the apps and other things that I had. Please stay away from those kinds of sites.

I actually just got my computer back today which has lost me two days of work. To be honest, I shouldn’t have gone to those sites, well, at least I shouldn’t have clicked to the second step. But on the landing page, they also mention that they are working with a charity organization called my dream house which helps provide better housing for poor families in Kenya.

Now, as you know I am from Kenya so, I was really curious and interested. Well, after doing lots of research, it turns out there is no such charity organization working to provide housing or anything to poor families in Kenya. YouTube is becoming quite spammy and scammers have found many ways to scam people through YouTube.

And It’s Not Just About Scams On YouTube, There Are Everywhere So Be Careful


So many people are working from home now because of the situation in the world. And the ones who are not working, they are online searching on how to make money online. That means there are more people spending time on the job search than before. This encouraged the growth of new websites, that promise riches online.

They promise big money, without much effort, and many people are falling victim to those kinds of scams and that is why you have to be very careful about the kinds of websites you visit or the links you click. And especially if you receive emails that claim to be from, let’s say Netflix threatening to cancel your subscription because of a pending bill.

What you need to do if you receive such an email, is to not click the link, but instead go the search bar on your computer and type the web address of Netflix, or Pay Pal, eBay, whatever the case might be, and then go ahead and present your case to the company directly. It would be even better if you could get hold of them on the phone.

There are people who have lost lots of money as well as personal information, because of acting in panic. Do not click the link, if they claim to be from Netflix, go straight to the official Netflix website, and talk to them about the matter.

What Are The Legit Ways To Make Money Online?


There are many ways to make money online and you can find many legit websites that you can join and work from home. For example,  sites like, where you are paid up to $10 per hour to talk to people in English so they can perfect their spoken word in English. There are sites like Fiverr, where you can be hired to do all kinds of jobs like graphic designs, web developing.

Photography, content creation like writing blog posts, transcribing, video editing, voice-overs. Just to name but a few. PeoplePerHour is another great website to make money online. Or you can start your own blog and promote other people’s products this method is known as Affiliate marketing, which can also be done with a YouTube channel as well.


It looks like we have to watch out all the time because everywhere we turn there is someone trying to scam you. So my advice to you is to stay safe on the internet. Be careful and always try not to panic if you find yourself in a situation where you have an email that is threatening to do all kinds of things like disconnecting or canceling services for luck or failed payment.

And of course, there is the opposite where you are supposed to click a link that will make you rich in minutes because somehow you have made money with something you had somehow signed up for, without knowing lol. Look, friends, do not be fooled, protect your savings and your family, stay home, and stay safe online.

As I mentioned, there are legit websites that you can find online jobs or start your own online business, or learn a new skill as I mentioned.

Anyway, I will leave it there for now.

I would like to read your opinions about this matter so please leave me a comment below. And if you have found this post helpful then share it with your friends and family on social media.

Thank you so much for your time.


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