
How To Make Money On TikTok

As you might have heard by now, TikTok is the next big thing, with over a billion monthly users worldwide, TikTok, has become a force. In this article, I am going to share with you how to make money on TikTok. This platform if used wisely can actually generate revenue for you. But before we get into it, Let’s first talk about Tiktok and what it is.

Tiktok is a video sharing platform where people share short videos, the good thing about TikTok is that it does not limit sharing, as a matter of fact, they encourage you to share your videos on all other social media platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Whatsapp, and all the others. Most creators on TikTok have been trying to figure out how to make money on TikTok, because it’s a large audience, and it’s so easy to grow a large following on this platform.

How Does TikTok Work, And How Can You Grow Your Following?


It’s actually very easy to grow on Tiktok, you just have to invest time, and also do some research so you can find the right hashtags to use. One thing I found about Tiktok is that the algorithm, is set up in a way that your content will be shown to a small group of people first, and depending on how it performs, then your content will be shown to a bigger group of people.

The followers you have must respond positively to your content otherwise you will not see good results. Because I guess Tiktok views your followers as the first audiences, and if they don’t respond well to your content, then, of course, your video will not appear on other people’s pages who are not following you.

Your goal as a creator is to make sure that your videos show up on what is called for you page, this is the main feed, so you want your videos to end up on the main feed, so even people who are not following you can see your videos and interact with it earning you more followers and engagement.

So, How Do You Get To The Famous For You Page On TikTok?

Well, as I mentioned earlier, you need to be creative, you also need to use hashtags that are relevant to your video so it can be shown to people who are actually interested in the subject. You also need to make sure that you capture your audience’s attention within the first 3 seconds of the video so they can stop scrolling.

Start your video with something captivating like a question, or a list like, Let’s say your video is about weight loss, start by saying 3 tips to lose weight fast, or are you tired of diets that don’t work? or Let’s say you are a beauty blogger, start your video with 3 easy ways to apply your makeup, or 3 simple steps to achieve clear, smooth skin. And then from there on, you got their attention and they will stop scrolling. Or you can just be direct, and tell them to stop scrolling.

Try as much as you can to make your video as short as possible, you can make a series where you tell them to like and follow for part two.

You Need To Get The TikTok Pro Account So You Can Access Your Analytics


The screenshot above shows analytics of my most-watched video on TikTok, it has over half a million views so far. It’s a shame I was not talking about blogging in this video, I would have had lots of traffic to my blog from TikTok. The problem with Tiktok as I mentioned in my previous posts about this subject, is that it also shows your video to people who are in the same location as you first.

And since I live in Greece, my English videos don’t perform so well.

The pro account is very useful for creators who are using TikTok to either grow an audience for business purposes or for growing your YouTube channel and Instagram. The pro account helps you figure out, which videos are performing well, and which ones are not, it also helps you see where your viewers are coming from, what times they are most active, as well as their gender so you can target them accordingly.

It’s very easy to switch to a Pro account, just go to your profile click on the 3 dots on the right side of your screen, and then click on manage account, from there choose switch to the Pro account, and then you need to choose a category, for example, public figure, if that’s what you are. A blogger, educator, comedian, you will choose what is relevant to you.

Once you’ve done that, then you will get access to your analytics.

How To Make Money On TikTok, Do TikTok Testers Get Paid?

There is an option to join TikTok Testers and people think that by becoming a tester, you will make money on Tiktok. That is not true, you will not make any money by becoming a TikTok Tester. But there are benefits of becoming a tester, one being, you will have an option to add your blog link on your profile.

TikTok only allows normal accounts to share YouTube and Instagram accounts on profile, but when you become a tester, you can share your blog as well. I think this is very helpful for bloggers because you are able to drive traffic to your blog. Te next benefit is that you will get new Tiktok features before they are released to the public, because your job as a tester is to test the new features.

You will have to download an app called TestFlight, once that is done, you will get an invitation email, and then you will be walked through the steps. Once done, when you go to your TikTok account you will see that now you have an option to add your website URL to your profile.

This Is How To Make Money On TikTok


Most creators on Tiktok, make money by going live on TikTok, what this means is you stream live to your audience, and the audiences if they like you, they will send you TikTok gifts, those are gifts that you can redeem for cash. But you can’t redeem your gifts until you reach $50 in value. The maximum that you can redeem per day is $1,000

You also cannot go live until you reach a following of 1,000. But to get to 1k is very easy, if you take it seriously you can reach 1k followers in a couple of days. Now, although, this is the most common way to make money on Tiktok, it’s not the only way. there are other ways that you can make money on Tiktok. For example, if you have a big following, you can do sponsored posts.

That is when brands contact you to promote their products, and because Tiktok does not have ads yet, brands need influencers to drive sales, I mean as we mentioned earlier Tiktok has more than a billion monthly users, so when brand see that, their mouths are watering, and they need to get their products and services in front of those TikTok users, and that is where you come in, and start making good money.

Of course, I must mention that you need to follow TikTok guidelines. Because it’s very easy to lose your Tiktok account if you break the rules. And you should not make it look like you are promoting products, you have to be creative, although yesterday I saw a video of a lady who was advertising Shea butter, and she captioned the video with her websites, and told the viewers to visit her website to buy the Shea Butter.

The video had about 50k views.

But What About Small Creators, Can They Make Money On TikTok?


Yes, even if you don’t have millions of followers, you can still make money on TikTok by joining sites like, where you will be able to showcase your content and brands will contact you, regardless of the number of followers you have. And this does not only work for TikTok, but it’s also for any social media platform and YouTube.

Other websites that do the same thing are, and, when you create a profile on these sites as a creator, brands will be able to find you and, you will be able to make money by creating sponsored posts. Apart from all these methods, you can also use TikTok to sell your own merch.

If you have your own online store, you can use TikTok to drive customers to your store.

And of course, as I mentioned before you can make money indirectly by driving traffic to your offers on your blog, YouTube, or Instagram.


Tiktok is a great source of free organic traffic, but apart from driving traffic to your YouTube, Blog or Instagram, it can be a revenue-generating tool, if used wisely of course. With the few methods I mentioned in this article, I hope I have convinced you that Tiktok can be used for business as well as for fun.

But just like any other platform, you need to be active on the platform and you need to be consistent. You need to post at least once a day every day if you can. Most of Tiktok experts suggest that you need to post up to 3 times a day but I don’t think many people who are running online businesses have time to keep posting on Tiktok.

I will give a tip though, you can record in bunches, and then you will have a stack of videos saved, then you can keep posting as you like.

Anyway, I hope my post has been helpful to you. If so, then please share it on your social media, and also please leave me a comment below.

Thank you for your time.


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