the how to in affiliate marketing

This is the how to Guide in affiliate marketing For Beginners


As a beginner in affiliate marketing, you could face lots of setbacks, especially if you don’t have knowledge in Affiliate marketing but today I will give you the how-to in affiliate marketing, I will give you a guide that will help you establish your online business the correct way. when starting an online business, you will encounter some difficulties that is if you are doing things on your own without guidance and support.

The reason why I decided to write this article about how to in affiliate marketing, is because I was listening to someone who was talking about Affiliate Marketing and he said its very easy, he said all you have to do is create a Word Press site, find some Affiliate programs to join and start promoting products. This sounds very easy and to be honest, there is some truth to what he said.

 As A beginner in Affiliate Marketing, One Time Kind Of Training Will Not Help You Much

And I have come across people who are offering a one time training where they will teach you the basic of creating a website and monetization by teaching you how to add affiliate links to your site, then if you want to learn more things, you have to spend more money, so you have people who have created websites but then they get stuck and end up abandoning their sites because they don’t know how to move forward without spending hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars.

Its very easy these days to create a website, you really don’t have to know much  about web design to create a website, not like in olden days when you had to know how to code in order to create a website, these days is just a matter of a few clicks and you have a website. So yes, creating a website is easy, but having a fully functional website with pages and content that will rank in search engines, and getting traffic to your website, that is the difficult part.

You Need To Join A Program That is Beginner Friendly

the how to in affiliate marketing

The first thing you need to do if you are a beginner in affiliate marketing, is to join a program that will show you how to create a successful online business, then you need to create your website, and it needs to be a self-hosted website, what this means is that you can not do affiliate marketing if you are using a blogging Platform like blog spot or Blogger its best to have your own hosting, now even though offers hosting and domain, they do not offer backups or monitoring of your site.

And what this means is that if you don’t know much about websites, then you will not know how to fix problems and errors that might appear on your website, so it is very important as a beginner to be a part of a program that will handle the security of your website. Now I know that there are many programs out there that promise to monitor your website and also promise to educate you on how to make money online, I know this because I have tried some of them and I was disappointed.

First of all some of the programs are super expensive and as you begin your journey as an affiliate marketer, you really don’t want to spend crazy money, and so I think what you need is a program that offers a package that includes hosting, monitoring of your site as well as the training you need for you to succeed in Affiliate Marketing. What you need is a community that will guide you and helps you through the creation of your online business.

The next thing you need is you need to do your research and create keyword rich content, that is the only way to attract traffic to your website, and getting your products to be noticed by the right people, which will lead to commissions.

Putting Affiliate links on your articles that is easy, but you need people to find your articles in order for them to benefit by your information and your products, so its not just about starting a website, its about understanding SEO and knowing how to promote your content.

But Why Do You Need The How to In Affiliate Marketing when you can find videos on YouTube?


the how to in affiliate marketing


Now I understand that you might think that some of the things I have mentioned above can be solved easily by doing a google search or searching on youtube, like lets say you want to add an affiliate link on your site, you can possibly find how to do that on youtube, or if you find an error on your site, you probably might find a video that will talk about that particular error.

Now let’s say you try what the video suggests, and it doesn’t work then what? then you go searching for another video, what this means is that you will spend so much time trying to fix things on your site rather than creating content and reviews which is what you should be doing, you are supposed to be making money not spending time worrying about errors and security of your website.

The best shot for you as a beginner in Affiliate Marketing is to join a program like Wealthy Affiliate, where you will get a comprehensive training in affiliate marketing, you will get support, security for your website and now you can browse through Affiliate Programs inside Wealthy Affiliate, you can find products to promote no matter what Niche you chose.

Weather its skincare, jewelry, hiking, fishing, cooking, travel, photography, fitness, make money online, any Niche you want to get into you will find products and programs to promote and make commission all within Wealthy Affiliate.


If you have landed on my article because you are searching for the best way to start an affiliate marketing business, then I am so glad you found my site because it means that, you will not waste time and money trying programs that will fail you. You have come to the right place and you will succeed in your business.

I know that you will succeed because this very article you are reading, is written by me because of the training I received at Wealthy Affiliate, and what this means is that my article has ranked in search engines and that’s why you were able to find it, that right there is proof, I am a person who knew very little about websites and now I am running my own successful online business, thanks to this program.

I will leave it there for today but if you need more information about this topic, please leave me a comment below. Thank you so much for your time.


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