
Pinterest Tools To Grow Traffic To Your Blog

What are the best Pinterest tools to grow traffic to your blog? As we know Pinterest is any blogger’s best friend, because you are able to drive traffic to your website, using Pinterest no matter how old or young your blog is. Now, just like any other platform, you need to stay active and productive on Pinterest for you to continue seeing good results.

But we know that blogging takes a lot of time, and you need to keep working on your content, so how can you stay active on Pinterest and at the same time stay active on your blog? Well, there are tools that can help you stay active on Pinterest and keep driving traffic to your blog even when you are not logged in to Pinterest.

Number One Pinterest Tool To Grow Traffic To Your Blog Is


Of course, the number one Tool is, this is a free graphic website that helps you design anything including Pinterest pins. The good thing about is that they have the measurements already for you, and they have thousands of designs and colors for you to choose from, they do also have free images, and videos that you use to create your pins.

Although there is a premium option that opens up a whole lot of features, the free version works just fine, and I have been using it for my Pinterest pins, tweeter posts, and YouTube thumbnails and channel art. is amazing and every blogger needs this tool especially if you are using Pinterest, which you should be doing.

The next Pinterest tool to help you grow traffic to your blog is Tailwind. This is an official scheduler that is recommended by Pinterest, Tailwind works with Pinterest and they get all the information from Pinterest on the right way to pin and they also get information on the activities that pinners on Pinterest should avoid.

Tailwind Is Super Helpful And It Will Help You Free Up Time So You Can Wolk On Your Blog

So by joining Tailwind, you will also be able to get all the latest Pinterest updates and news. The good thing about using Tailwind, is not only the fact that you can schedule your pins ahead of time and free up time to work on your blog. But also The fact that you get to connect with other bloggers by joining tribes helps grow your traffic very quickly.

The Tailwind Tribes are groups of bloggers, usually divided in categories depending on niches, and those tribes will share pins to their audiences on Pinterest, for example, you would create a pin, share it to your tribe, and then the tribe members will share your pin on their Pinterest accounts. And of course, once you share a pin to a tribe you must also share pins from that tribe to your Pinterest account.

You must read the rules of each Tailwind tribe, some tribes require you to share two pins for each pin of your own you share on the tribe. And some require pin for pin, so one pin of yours, and you share one pin to your Pinterest account. Failure to follow the rules could result in you been kicked out of the tribe.

The Pinterest Analytics, Will Help You Learn Very Important Information About Your Audience


Our next Pinterest Tool to grow traffic to your blog is Pinterest Analytics, this goes without saying but, you must use the Pinterest analytics to learn more about your audience and your performance on Pinterest so you can improve your activities, as well as know what the right time to pin is.

The Pinterest analytics gives you a clear picture of your traffic, for example, you can learn where your traffic is coming from, their age, gender, and other very important information that will help you come up with a game plan that will maximize your traffic flow to your website.

The tool also helps you see, what pins your audiences are engaging with the most, and also helps you see which pins are not performing so well.

Pin It Button, Lets Your Readers Pin Your Content To Their Boards On Pinterest.

By having a pin it button on your blog, the readers will find it easy to share your content on their own boards on Pinterest which means more exposure for your content. If you have a WordPress Site, there are so many social share plugins that you can use to make it possible for your readers to share your content not only on Pinterest but also on their other social media platforms. Please check out my list of Plugins here

I like a plugin called Pinterest Pin It Button, it’s light and makes it easy to pin any image to Pinterest just by hovering over the image.

A Few Pinterest Tips


Just like Google Or any other search engine, Pinterest Needs to learn what niche you are in, so Make sure to stick to your niche, also make sure to always use images that are related to the topic of your blog post. Pinterest analyses the Image and keywords you have used, to rank your pin.

So, if you are talking about beauty, then make sure when you create your pin, it has an image that is related to beauty. And also make sure you use bold letters on your text overlays. Refrain from using too many words on the text overlay, but you need to make it clear what your pin is about.

Remember To Brand Your Pin

Always include the name of your blog on the pin. Also, if you can use your brand colors and always use those colors on your pin. Personally I don’t use my brand colors because I wanted to be free to use any color I want but, I do Make sure that I have a small box on the pin that contains my blog colors and the name of my blog.

Always use your keyword on your pin title and pin description. And also use hashtags that are relevant to your post. Don’t save the same pin on the same board, and also don’t save the same pin to other boards the same day. Up until last year, it was OK to save Pins, on Multiple boards but now you are not supposed to keep saving the same pin to multiple boards.

You can create many pins for the same post and save them to multiple boards on intervals, you can either use Tailwind to schedule the pins, or you can use Pinterest itself to schedule your pins, You are allowed to schedule pins up to 14 days in advances using the schedule feature within Pinterest.



Pinterest is a great platform to drive traffic to your websites for free. Unlike other social media platforms where you are penalized for trying to drive traffic to your website, Pinterest encourages you to create more content and drive traffic to your blog, or affiliate offers.

They actually like bloggers who are constantly releasing fresh content, so the more pins you create the more traffic you will drive to your blog. I have been using Pinterest for my blogs and I must say, it has helped me so much in terms of traffic. And actually it has also helped me rank well in Google, because once the other search engines see that you are driving traffic to your website, they will also rank your content high.

I hope you have found this post helpful, if so, please share it on your Pinterest and other social media platforms. And please leave me a comment below, have you been using Pinterest? if so have you found success?

Thank you for your time


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