How to select the best Niche for your new website

Today we are going to talk about your Niche, I am going to share with you how to select the best Niche for your website, and I m also going to touch on ways to monetize your website.

How to select the best niche for your website how can you monetize your site?

A niche is the main subject for your website, and when selecting a Niche there are many things to consider for example how can you monetize your website, also how can you find things to write about? and also you have to ask yourself, will you be able to write great content on that Niche?

See when you choose a niche, it has to be something you are passionate about and something you can talk about all day long, is it pets, beauty, makeup or fashion or knitting? whatever it is you have to love it. here is a question you need to ask yourself when choosing a Niche, will I be excited to write about this topic non-stop without getting bored with it?

How To Select The Best Niche For Your Website, Think passion

Then if the answer is yes, of course, go for it, but if the answer is no, then you need to consider another Niche that you will be passionate about enough to write great content without getting bored or tired.

Remember, when you chose a particular Niche You will be writing posts that are long like 2000 words or more on each post. So that’s why I say, you need to think long and hard. Another way you to see if the Niche you have chosen is the right one is by trying to write a long post about something within that Niche.

For example, you can decide to write a 4k  words post and see if you will run out of ideas in the middle of the post, of course, you must do your research before starting the post, I actually did that once, although I have to admit my post was not 4k, mine was 3k, but I had a lot of fun writing it so that’s how I knew that my niche was the right one.

I Don’t Get It, What Is A Niche Exactly?

But what exactly is a niche? if you are new in blogging or the online business world then maybe it’s not very clear to you what a Niche is, so I will try to explain what it is, it’s a subject or a group of people that you target as your audience, for example, you could be having a website about cooking but not just any cooking because cooking will be very broad.

So you have a cooking website but targeting the vegan side of cooking or Chinese cooking, or quick to make recipes you could also have a website about pets but not just that, it could be a website about pet blankets or pet toys.

How To Select The Best Niche For Your Website, You Need To Narrow It Down

Of fashion but not just fashion but maybe fashion trends for women, but not just women but women of a particular age, I think you are getting the idea now.

So what next after you have selected your best Niche? then comes content creating, you have to create great posts but how do you do that? you will need a keyword research tool that will help you find the best keywords to use, and also you need to know how to format your content so your readers can find it easy to navigate through your content.

Ways to monetize your Niche.

The next step you need to take is to find programs that you can join to monetize your website and start earning income doing what you love, now if you are a newcomer who is just getting started, then maybe you are not so familiar with all these things and maybe you don’t know where to start.

First, of let me just say that there is money to be earned online regardless of your Niche, people are making full-time income from their computers and devices, mainly because online shopping is the thing these days, I mean think about it, how many things have you ordered from Amazon this year?

So if you already have a blog, you need to monetize it, I mean why not make some money from your content, I know many people who have blogs that get so much traffic and yet they are not taking advantage of this and create income, I mean this is a great way to have a side hustle, and if you take it seriously, you can make full-time income.

But what if you don’t know anything about websites but you want to learn, where do you begin?

But what if you don’t know how to do all this? that’s what I am here for, I will guide you to a place where I learned how to create a website, how to select the best Niche and how to create great content, I will introduce you to a program that can and will teach you all you need to know about online business and how to earn income from blogs and websites.

I have to say that I have always wanted to have my own website, and when I created my first website many years ago, I did not know what I was doing and I run to a lot of problems which I did not know how to fix, I ended up deleting that particular website because I really couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong.

See I wasn’t even interested so much in making money online, I just wanted to have a functioning website because I believed that I had a lot to share with the world and a website was the best way to reach people. Anyway, after failing that time, I gave up for a while but I was always online reading articles and trying to learn things about the online world mainly about websites.

And learning how to create them, and that’s how one day I came across this program that I am about to introduce you to. as I said. This program can teach anyone how to build a website, how to monetize it and how to create an online business.

So without further ado, I give you, wealthy affiliate, please click here to read more about this program, I have written a very detailed review of this program.

If you are interested in learning how To do affiliate Marketing and online business then you need to join this program today.

If you are serious about learning how to  do  affiliate Marketing I encourage you to join Wealthy Affiliate, This is the only place where you are offered the best training as well as all the tools you need to build a successful online business, its free to join so just try it and I promise you, you will be happy, you will contact me and thank me, I know it because that’s what I did.

After I read an article just like this one, even though I had been very skeptical, I created a profile within Wealthy affiliate and I gave it a test drive for seven days and I contacted the person who referred me and thanked him, and then I promised myself that one day, I will create a website to help people learn how to create an online business, and that website is none other than this one letsworkinpjs is my way of paying it forward after I successfully created two websites that are earning me good money.


If you select the best niche for you and then create great content, and after that monetize your website, you are going to succeed in your business and you will achieve your dreams, just remember it takes hard work and consistency. And also it takes time and so that means you have to be patient.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and I also hope that you have found it helpful, please share your thoughts with me by leaving me a comment and I will get back to you, I love interacting with my readers and hearing your views.

Thank you so much for your time


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