
What Is TikTok About And Can It Help Grow Your Blog?


Since I discovered TikTok, I have been spending some time on the app because I wanted to study it and see if it can help grow your blog. So what is TikTok about and can it help grow your blog? Let’s find out together.

TikTok is an app that is used mainly by young people to post short videos, It used to be known as Musical.ly, but since it was bought by a company called Byte Dance and rebranded and the name changed to TikTok, it has gained popularity, and it’s predicted that it’s going to be the favorite video platform in 2020 and beyond.

What Is TikTok About And How Can You Benefit From It As A Blogger?

There are some people who are skeptical about TikTok and think its just a passing wind. But based on the number of users, TikTok has so far ( over 500 million and growing) TikTok has invested a lot in promotion, and it has attracted and partnered with many celebrities in the last couple of years which has helped it to gain more exposure and popularity on social media.

And although the platform does not run ads per se, different brands have found creative ways to attract TikTok users by creating different Hashtags and challenges on TikTok. Since its rebranding, this app has added many features to the app, before when it was known as Musical.ly it was just about lip-syncing, and just some funny videos.

But now there are special effects, you can do a video reaction by clicking on the duet icon, to any video and then post your reaction. You also get lots of music to use in your videos as background music.

The TikTok App Is Very Easy To Use, You Just Download It And Start Creating Or Watching Videos


Plus you can just record your own video on your phone and share it Imidietley on TikTok, there are also many localized challenges that help grow the number of users in each country. The funny feature I found on Tiktok is the feature that warns you if you have spent over 2 hours on TikTok.

The app is quite addictive and. It’s very easy to spend countless hours on the app because you just keep scrolling from one short video to another and before you know it, you’ve been on TikTok for hours. The alert feature will remind you that you need to go back to doing better, and productive things with your life than spend too much time on TikTok lol

The Kinds Of Videos Shared On The App.

The videos are about 15 seconds, and they can be about anything. From pets doing funny things, to dance, singing, cooking, makeup tutorial, to crazy experiments. One of the trending experients on TikTok right now is the Fairy Mento Coke experiment. Where they put fairy dish wash liquid and Mento candy into the Coca-Cola and watch it explode, apparently that is the most exciting thing to watch on the app.

Another trend in TikTok is the seafood eating challenge. Where these young Chinese people stuff their mouths with all kinds of delicacies, all for the enjoyment of the TikTok watchers but I must say, the comment sections are not always so receptive, but that’s a story for another day.

Some Videos On TikTok Are Just Strange


I have watched lots of weird videos on TikTok these few weeks that I have been on it. But I have learned something, just like any other platform, if you want to gain authority on this app, meaning if you want to use the app to drive traffic to your let’s say YouTube Channel, you must decide what kinds of videos you want to be posting on TikTok. meaning, you need to choose a niche(the subject of your videos) This is very important especially to those of us who are doing Affiliate Marketing

The best thing to do is to just go with the theme of your YouTube channel. If you are a makeup artist then just do that on TikTok, if your niche is cooking, then continue to do that on Tiktok, and if you are a motivational speaker, you can post short videos with different quotes or pieces of advice.

How Can TikTok Help You Grow Your Blog?

That is if you want to use TikTok to drive traffic to your Youtube Channel or your Instagram. Those are the only two platforms that you are allowed to share on TikTok. My research has concluded that in order for you to attract the audience to your Youtube Channel, you must be super creative.

You have to find a way to drive your message home in 15 seconds. I did watch one vide of a guy who is in the make money online niche and he was talking so fast that I did not really get what he was talking about.

I think its better to just make many videos rather than trying to fit your message into 15 seconds. So I have learned how I am going to approach the app. I am going to make many small videos so I can just speak naturally without trying to rush.

Remember the plan is to get people to click your Youtube or Instagram link. So You really don’t have to give them too much information, just enough to entice them to click.

You Can Drive Traffic From Tiktok To Your YouTube Channel And Then To Your Blog


Well, since you are only allowed to share links to your Youtube Or Instagram, Obviously if you have a blog, you probably are using YouTube or Instagram to grow your audience. So TikTok will help you drive traffic to your YouTube or Instagram and from there you can encourage the audience to click through to your blog post.

As I always say it’s wise to use platforms like YouTube to drive traffic to your blog.  So my conclusion is yes TikTok can help you grow your blog but not directly because you can not share the link to your blog on TikTok. But you can drive the traffic to your YouTube channel or your Instagram and then from there drive them to your blog.

Plus by growing your Youtube channel using TikTok, you also grow your income because you can also choose to drive your viewers directly to your affiliate offers. And if you reach the threshold for Google AdSense, you will add another stream of income by running ads on your videos. So I think TikTok is a very helpful tool and its free, and you have access to so many people.


Many bloggers have not taken Tiktok seriously, but there is a number of bloggers who have built authority on Tiktok. And they are reaping the benefits. As I mentioned there are people who think that TikTok will end up just like the other video platforms that failed to stand the test of time. But even if that was the case, as long as it’s here and has millions of users, why not take advantage of it and grow our online businesses?

Blogging or YouTubing is all about traffic. So if we find a free platform like TikTok where you can just record short videos every day and attract traffic to your online business I think its a no brainer.

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And now I would love to hear your views, have you used Tiktok before? if so do you use it to grow your online business or do you just use it for entertainment? please leave your comments below.

Thank you so much for reading and for your comments, I really do appreciate your support.


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