
Wealthy Affiliate Review From A Woman Perspective

This is a detailed review of Wealthy  Affiliate from a woman’s perspective. in this article, I am going to share my in-depth review of Wealthy Affiliate.  About what I think of the program, whether it works or not if it’s legit, if it’s worth your money. I am gonna give you my opinion. I will give you my honest opinion. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I must say that I have come across reviews and especially on youtube. I have watched a few videos about Wealthy affiliate that are misleading.

Wealthy Affiliate Is An Affiliate  Marketing Training Program That Teaches How To Make Money Online, But It’s Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme

I am not bashing anyone but I have seen videos with titles like how I made $2k on my first week on Wealthy Affiliate. Now is it possible to make $2000 in the first week of being in Wealthy Affiliate? absolutely, it’s possible. But not for a newbie who just joined Wealthy Affiliate, the thing these videos neglect to mention is that the person is actually an affiliate market expert. And just because they joined wealthy affiliate a week ago, does not mean that’s where they are starting Affiliate marketing.

So people click on those links and join Wealthy Affiliate thinking that they are going to make lots of money in a short time. This is not possible unless you already have a running website, and already know a lot about Affiliate marketing.

 Update Big Changes In Wealthy Affiliate Starting 16th March 2020.

Since writing this review, a lot has happened in Wealthy Affiliate and I am updating the review to reflect those changes. After the recent Super Affiliate Conference which was held in Las Vegas Nevada USA. The management at Wealthy Affiliate has released a report of the things that were discussed at the conference, and some of the changes that we should expect in the coming months.

One of the changes is, the reduction of websites you get to host within Wealthy Affiliate. As it is now your premium membership allows you to host 25 domains, and you are also given an extra 25 SiteRubix domains that are hosted within Wealthy affiliate. These SiteRubix domains, you can use them as you please but if at any point you decide to leave the platform, you can not transfer them to another hosting company.

But your 25 owned domains, you are given 30 days to transfer them to another hosting company if you decide you no longer want to be a member of Wealthy Affiliate.

The Changes Will Not Affect You If You Join And Upgrade Before March 16th

The New hosting plan will reduce your websites from 25 owned domains to 10, The number is still high but of course, it’s not the same as having 25 domains.

The changes don’t affect the existing premium members of Wealthy Affiliate, and if you join now and upgrade to premium, before the 16th of March 2020, you will still benefit from the current plan which means you will have a total of 50 domains, 25 of your own domains and 25 of the free SiteRubix domains.

The starter members will get one SiteRubix website instead of two.  Wealthy Affiliate continues to be the most affordable affiliate training and web hosting company. Where you can use the easiest web builder to build your own website. And you can join thousands of affiliate programs and start promoting products, without leaving Wealthy affiliate.

Plus the training is updated constantly with fresh tutorials added every day. Plus the weekly live training which includes the Q&A where you can ask the Wealthy affiliate training Coach anything.

OK, That is all I wanted to add for now, so I will let you continue reading the review. If you would like to learn more about these changes, here is the post that The Management released explaining the changes

Wealthy Affiliate Update November 2020

On Monday the 2rd of November 2020, Wealthy Affiliate released its updated platform. They have been talking about big things that they were working on behind the scenes, and on Monday is when we got to see what they had been up to.

The first thing we noticed as we tried to log in, is that we were not able to log in straight away.  For me, I had to clear the cache on my browser in order to be able to login in.

Anyway, I was able to log in and the interface was different, the layout and design have changed.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus Membership, Needs Its Own Post

I will write an article covering everything that has changed, but for now, I must mention that there is a new level of membership called Premium plus. The membership costs $99 per month and $995 per year. included in this membership is the Enterprise version of Jaaxy, which is the Wealthy Affiliate state of the art Keyword research tool.

Wealthy Affiliate was originally a keyword research platform, so if there is something they have perfected, it’s their research Tool. Jaaxy has the ability to suggest, recommend, and track your keyword performance.

With Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus, You Can Host Up To 50 Websites

Also included in your Premium Plus membership, is hosting for 50 websites, you can either host your own domains or use the SiteRubix domains offered by Wealthy Affiliate, but you must keep in mind the fact that if for whatever reason you decide to leave Wealthy affiliate, you will not be able to move the SiteRubix domains to another hosting company, because they remain property of Wealthy Affiliate.

You will get 200 live classes annually, hosted by Affiliate marketing experts, covering different topics surrounding online business.

OK, there are many things that have changed so I will write a new post and link it here, in the meantime, please read this post that was posted at Wealthy affiliate by Kyle Loudon, the co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate. Please click here

Even The Co-founder Of Wealthy Affiliate Will Tell It’s Not That Easy

When you first join the program, Kyle who is a co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate will share with you a little about himself and he will tell you that it took him 3 months to make his first sale after working very hard.

I am telling you this because I do not want you to think that this program is a get rich quick kind of program.

Well, I am getting ahead of myself here, so let’s start from the beginning what is Wealthy Affiliate and who is it intended for? Let’s get into the review and then I will give my closing remarks later on.

I promise, mine is not one of those never-ending reviews, mine is short sweet, and straight to the point. And before I go any further, I want to say that Wealthy Affiliate is very woman-friendly, I have joined programs in the past that were not woman-friendly at all. So let’s get into our review.

Wealthy Affiliate Update In a Few Words

Watch my youtube video, click the image.

Wealthy Affiliate Review 

Website- www.wealthyaffiliate.com

Membership price- $19 for the first month and then it’s $49 per month

New Membership level added in November 2020– Premium Plus $99 monthly, and $995 annually

Owners- Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim

my ranking of this program  – 9 out of 10

So, what or who is Wealthy affiliate?

It is a  training program that’s designed to train you on how to build a website, how to rank in search engines and how to monetize your website, as well as teach you how to create great content that will rank in search engines. And also they teach you how to drive traffic to your website.

Tools offered within the program

Wealthy affiliate offers you step by step training on how to start and build your online business and it offers you the tools you need to accomplish this, one of the tools offered is the hosting, and security of your website and monitoring as well as back up for your website.

You are also offered a keyword research tool called Jaaxy, which is a very powerful tool for finding keywords as well as tracking the performers of the keyword within Google, Yahoo and Bing. Jaaxy also helps you come up with new keywords by using a feature called alphabet soup. And you know what? instead of me talking about it, why don’t you try it for yourself?

Just type a phrase and search for yourself, to see if its a good keyword

I have to say that as a starter member you will have full access to the platform during your first 7 days but once the trial period is over, you will have to upgrade to premium or you won’t be able to continue with your training which at this point you would’ve done 10 lessons of Online Entrepreneur certificate, and 10 lessons of Affiliate Bootcamp. Click here to sign up for free


This program has a very active and interactive community and has many affiliate market experts who are willing to help by sharing their experience with newcomers. Also, there is a live chat where a newcomer can ask a question and be answered in real-time and in a matter of minutes if not seconds.

Also, the community helps in site comments as well as site feedback, there are two threads within the platform where you can request comments for your website or feedback. These threads are a give and take type of thing, which means if you request comments you are also required to offer comments to others as well.

Owners Availability And  Interaction With The Members

Kyle and Carson are very active within the community and they are always answering questions and participating in discussions, so they are very available. And I have to say this is very important because you really don’t wanna join a program where you don’t even know who the owner of the program is.

Who Is The Program Intended For?

Anyone who wants to learn Affiliate Marketing and wants to start an online business will benefit from joining Wealthy Affiliate. Also, a stay home mom who perhaps has a few hours during the day where they can write a blog post or two could benefit from this program.

But  Wealthy Affiliate is not limited to only  Affiliate Marketing, but you can also start a website to sell your own things or to promote an existing business. or even have your own online store.

A pensioner who likes photography and maybe would like to share their passion with the world, could join this program and create a photography website and earn some income that way by maybe promoting cameras and photography equipment. Or maybe someone who likes knitting could share their knitting patterns by creating a knitting website, or cooking the options are endless.

Wealthy Affiliate Is Very Woman Friendly

Another point I would like to make is that Wealthy Affiliate is woman-friendly. I had joined programs in the past where you could see that everything was designed to cater to men. That is not the case in this program. There are a lot of businesswomen in Wealthy Affiliate and I must say some of them are very successful and they are working full time online.

Customer Service And Support In Wealthy Affiliate

The support team is always available and even when you are chatting with a fellow member,  and you ask a question, a popup will ask you if you would like help from the tech support team. So there is no way for you to be stuck, help is available.

There is a feature within the community where members can blog. Some use this to share their success stories and others use it to share their life experiences or to share a cool plugin they have discovered or a trick that has worked for them in their business.

I like reading these posts and I do post also when I have something interesting to share. I actually find this part of the platform very therapeutic. So that’s my take on this program, lets now look at pros and cons.


Comprehensive easy to understand training

Weekly live classes

Great web hosting and support

Pocket-friendly especially if you take the 6 month or yearly package

Very large and interactive community with many experts who are willing to help

No credit card or financial information required to join as a starter member

Live Chat

No Upsells


Information can be overwhelming for some people.

Also if you are an already established Affiliate marketer, you might find the training is too focused on beginners.

Some people who are on Wealthy Affiliate purely for the amazing Web hosting, find the whole give back arrangement distracting. That is because some people are not really interested in the interaction in the community.

Luckily, plans are underway, and very soon people will be able to just signup for hosting services.

18th July 2019 Update, because there are some really awesome things that have been added to Wealthy Affiliate.

Since writing this review in April, there have been some things that have happened and I had to come back and do some editing to add this information. So a few weeks after publishing my review, The awesome people at Wealthy Affiliate decided to give our platform a facelift and, we are so happy with what they have done.

Affiliate Program Menu Added

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019 From A Woman Perspective

The first thing they added is an affiliate program menu where members can go and search for affiliate networks and products to promote, this means you can just build your website within Wealthy Affiliate and find products to promote without leaving the platform.

See, before this addition, we had to go to Google and search for networks and products to promote, this affiliate program menu has made things absolutely easy for the members, you don’t have to waste time getting on Google. you can just type your niche and you will find Affiliate networks to join and start promoting products straightway.

Kraken Image Optimization

Then they added what I choose to call super image optimization, the Kraken image optimizer is being used by big brands in the world and we are getting this top-class image optimizer with no extra cost. Which means the site speed of our websites it’s super. So it’s out EWWWimage optimizer and in comes the Kraken Image optimizer.

The Navigation Has Been Made Easier, Watch This Video Here Kyle Himself The Co-founder Of Wealthy Affiliate Gives You a VIP Tour Of Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019

Click Here To Watch The Video

Also, it seems like the staff at Wealthy affiliate have been listening when people complained that they find the website a bit difficult to navigate. They have added an easy Navigation header. That shows you where the training is located and also it gives you easy access to Kyle who is co-founder and the head Coach at Wealthy Affiliate.

So you tell me where else you can find this kind of training program I will wait….. Wealthy Affiliate is the best Affiliate training program and the most affordable period.

Click Here To Start You Free 10 Lessons Now

Closing remarks

The only thing about this program that I can think of that people complain about is the amount of information provided can be a bit overwhelming for a beginner, although for me it was a good thing, I kept saying yes give me more lol 🙂  my tip is that when you join, you should take things slow.

I also found that once I started the training I couldn’t stop because there are so many cool things to learn.  and also you will receive many welcome messages which are a good thing, but I say try not to respond to all of them at once because that will take time away from your training.

I say just take your time because the training will always be there and even after you finish the lessons, you can still go back and look at something if you need to. I do recommend that you give yourself a few minutes every day to interact with members and to browse through the platform to see what’s happening and to see what other members are up to.

Also, it’s wise to check out the questions that are being asked and the answers, I learned a lot that way, Of course, you can ask your own questions anytime you need to.

So is Wealthy Affiliate legit and is it worth your money and your time?

In my opinion, Yes it’s worth your money and your time definitely. And yes I do highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate both to men and women of all ages. To get a clear picture, take a look at the table below.

As you can see even with stater membership, you get lots of benefits, so go on give it a try create your free profile today click on the banner to sign up. You don’t need a credit card or any financial information, just your name and email address that’s it.

So that is my honest review of Wealthy Affiliate, the only reason why I gave it 9 out of 10 is that I don’t believe that something can be 10 out of 10 so I leave that 1 because there is always room for improvement.

If you would like to know my story and how I came across this program, please click here to read my story

Thank you so much for your time, if you have questions, please leave them in the comment area and I will be very happy to respond. Hope to see you in Wealthy Affiliate, I will be very happy to work with you and witness your success in online business. Before I leave You, Let Me Remind You again About The Black Friday Offer. Read My Article Here


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30 comments on “Wealthy Affiliate Review From A Woman Perspective

  1. Very comprehensive review on Wealthy Affiliate. You have touched on all the main selling points and after reading through the review anyone would be able to make an informed decision regarding whether to sign up or not. The pros and cons you listed are straightforward and to the point, without all the fluff. I wish you much success with your blogging and look forward to other reviews from this site. Oh. And I like the name of the site as well 🙂

  2. I love this review and how you differentiate between people being misleading with the implication that you can join Wealthy Affiliate as a complete beginner and start earning $2000 per week immediately, and the understanding that the people that do start earning the big dollars straight away have had a long history of understanding affiliate marketing and already have an established website with established traffic base and trust. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes, Josie, I wanted to make it clear to a new member that this is not a get rich quick kind of program. I have read misleading reviews in the past and joined programs that were very disappointing, so I wanted my Wealthy Affiliate review to be as accurate as possible because when someone joins through my links, they will find me in Wealthy Affiliate and I don’t want them to say I mislead them.

  3. I found your review because I’ve been looking into this Wealthy Affiliate bunch over the last week or so…but I’ve been on the fence because it sounds too good to be true (I’ve lost money online in the past!). 

    So, no money is needed to exchange hands to get your foot in through the door with them…this initial membership is free?

    Also, how patient are they when it comes to new learners, as I’m not the quickest when it come to new subjects?

  4. Excellent review! I also love your website title, by the way. I do believe that Wealthy Affiliate is definitely woman-friendly. I’ve learned quite a bit myself there, although I wasn’t a newbie to blogging. I believe anyone can benefit from it, even experienced internet marketers. Really, the only downside, is sometimes I think people place too much emphasis on community rank and not focusing on their website or business. That said, this is also useful for me because if I find myself stuck, I can go around helping others. Thanks for your perspective! 

    1. Thank you so much Serenity, yes I do agree that anyone can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate especially since things like hosting and web monitoring are so cheap, I mean for $49 a month you get web hosting for 25 websites, plus support and you also get the free Jaaxy keyword research tool, I honestly don’t think you can get a better deal anywhere else. And the experienced marketers can benefit from the daily pieces of training that are posted by the community experts and also the weekly live classes because I think those classes are more advanced.
      Thank you so much for your comment.

  5. Good afternoon Rose,

    On your About Rose page, you say you are passionate about planet earth. I also feel for her and I am worried when I see what humans do to the environment.

    In your review on Wealthy Affiliate, you state one might be somehow overwhelmed by all the information. Yes, that happened to me too when I joined in January 2017. I had no idea about website making at all. Luckily I found all the help needed. I have 2 websites up and running and am a very happy member. 

    Regards, Taetske

    1. Hi Taetske, Yes I am worried about our planet, I worry about the next generation, I sure hope things will improve soon, I try to do the little I can, like recycling and buy products from companies that are environmentally friendly.
      The point you make about, the information being overwhelming in Wealthy Affiliate, I actually liked it, but I do hear new members complain that the information is a lot.

      For me it was a dream come true, I couldn’t believe that I was getting all that information for free, I was so excited and I would stay in front of my computer for hours just learning and putting into practice everything that I was learning by creating my first website.

      Thank you so much for clicking my article and reading.

  6. Rose, yours was one of the most informative review of Wealthy Affiliate that I have come across. Your style of writing is conversational that kept me engaged. You covered all the main bases clearly. Anyone reading it till the end I think would like to at least try it out for free. 

    Your headline, “Lets work in PJs” caught my attention at the start. The main reason being, I am retired and work in my PJs often! I like how you emphasized that this program is for everyone, especially women. I have been in WA just over three months and agree with your view of the company. 

    Bringing up examples of how helpful the owners and other more experienced members are was a great thing to do. It was critical that you discussed that this is not a get rich quick scheme. Using examples to show that those who make money fast are already experienced affiliate marketers was very wise. When people sign up they will have more realistic expectations.

    Not giving it 10 out of 10 was wise. There is always room for improvement like you stated. The only addition that I think would make your review even better would have been to share a little more of your own experience. Like how did you find WA. And when did you upgrade to Premium. Also some examples of the help you asked for and received would have given it that little something extra. But these are minor points. 

    All in all I liked your WA review. It came across that you cared about your reader. Thanks for writing it. I wish you much success in your online business. 

    1. Hi Edwin, thank you so much for taking the time to read my review of Wealthy Affiliate, to answer your question about why I didn’t include my story about how I came across Wealthy Affiliate, I didn’t include that story because I have another article that goes in detail about my journey with Affiliate Marketing and how I came across Wealthy affiliate,

      you can read it here

      I thank you for your comment and please don’t be a stranger.

  7. I totally agree with you wealthy affiliate is totally worth it,If you are new to affiliate marketing and you hope to make some good cash from it then wealthy affiliate is the right place to start off,why?? I would tell you!

    The reason why wealthy affiliate is the best place to start of is there Training programme as it’s first class and second to none as it’s a step by step process that would have you set up in no time.

    Thanks for sharing,



  8. Thank you for such a comprehensive review of Wealthy Affiliate.  Its the best place to start earning an income so far and making a living online.  Thank you also for the updates which you have given on the number of domains. I was expecting a reduction in the domain price…lol but I am glad to have been part of this helpful community.

    1. I knew a time would come when they would have to reduce the number of domains that you can host. But 10 domains is still a lot. And the service they offer is absolutely value for money. You cannot find that kind of service anywhere for that price.

      Thank you so much for your comment.

  9. Hello, Your detailed guide is very useful for woman as well as beginners to this wealthy affiliate family. I am working online from many years but wealthy affiliate is the best platform I found yet. Now I stop my research and building my own business while doing my training at wealthy affiliate. I hope your review will help every women to start their own business with the help of wealthy affiliate.

  10. I truly need to initially value your exertion in assembling this incredible site and composing this article. Thank you so much for sharing with us such a beautiful article.
    Excellent review!I’m a Premium member on Wealthy Affiliate and I worked successfully. I do believe that Wealthy Affiliate is definitely a women-friendly. There are a lot of people who help you every day and a lot of training which brings our knowledge to another level. I believe that Making money there is very easy if we have ambition and determination.
    Finally, I think a Wealthy Affiliate is one of the more popular affiliate marketplaces that can help us to create an online business and earn a Legitimate Online Income. I think your article will be of great benefit to all of us and a lot can be learned from here. My best wishes to be always with you.Thanks

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. And please take care of yourself during these hard times. Stay at home and follow the advice we are given.


  11. Thank you so much for sharing us a wonderful article. The main content of the article is a woman’s view of Wealthy Affiliate.Wealthy Affiliate is an ocean of education and business that you mentioned in your article frequently. Not only men but also women are the best example of how wealthy affiliates can make themselves self-sufficient.

    I am also a premium member of the wealthy affiliate.From here I am expanding my online affiliate business with different types of training.Finally, thank you so much for sharing with us a beautiful article and I would like to share this informative article in my Facebook group if you give me permission.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and for sharing my post with your Facebook group members, it will help me a lot.

      Stay safe.

  12. Hello Rose,

    Really thanks for sharing with everyone about this marvelous platform for affiliate marketers. The features, utilities, community, benefits, tools, courses provided by this platform are truly fascinating and could turn an interested individual with absolutely no knowledge in affiliate marketing to a well established affiliate marketer.

    It is very hard to legitimate community sites like WA(Wealthy Affiliate) and I really do expect many people interested in affiliate marketing would be able to gain knowledge about this site. I’m truly grateful that I am a part of the WA community.

    Thanks again for sharing with everyone and hope this post reaches as many people as possible!


    1. Thank you so much Nithin, yeas the platform ii absolutely greater, I really don’t know where I would be today if I did not find Wealthy Affiliate when I did. I’d probably still searching because I have always been fascinated by online business and blogging.

      Again thank you for your comment and stay safe during this season of COVID-19

  13. Thank you for sharing this amazing, wonderful and informative review about Wealthy Affiliate. I am a woman too and l agree with you Wealthy Affiliate is not a gender-based platform, anyone can join and work on their business. I am one of the beginners and I was overwhelmed by the information and at times l would find myself repeating one lesson 3 times.

    as l went along with the training the community was right there beside me whenever l needed assistance and l become more comfortable and have never looked back ever since it has been almost 3 months now.

    I have learned so much more while reading your article as it has so much information that is helpful to me. I have bookmarked your article, l will use it as my reference whenever l need it. Great Review.

    Stay blessed!

  14. Hi Rose! I’m Shamiim
    Thank you so much for providing such a beautiful review of Wealthy Affiliate Marketing. It is a great review. After reading your review, my previous idea of affiliate marketing was completely changed. I like the fact that you are trying to say pretty much everything about it.
    For anyone who has a great interest to know about affiliate marketing,
    I would tell them that reading this review. Because  In this review, you have written pretty much every piece about affiliate marketing.
    I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. I want to share this article on my social media and I think if I share your article on my social media everyone will know about it
    Looking forward to your next review.
    TnX 😊

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support Shamiim. I appreciate you sharing my content with your followers on social media, it’s really helpful when people do such things. It helps my blog to grow and reach more people so thank you so much.

  15. Hey, Your post is really helpful, And it is good for freelancers. You have written all about Wealthy Affiliate.

    WA has been teaching people how to make money online for many years. And It’s going to be popular for many years to come. Because it shows a lot of opportunities to the freelancers.

    I am a premium member of WA. I am working here for a long time. Wealthy Affiliate provides us with many tools that we need to earn passive income from anywhere.

    Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is helping me a lot to earn money from home. So I love to work here. I always try to connect people to this platform so they can benefit as I have.

    Thanks for the review. Because it is helpful for freelancers and also entrepreneurs. I will share this article with my friends. I hope they will be helpful in your article. Because you have written all the things about this area of income.

  16. I really like your review about Wealthy Affiliate especially when it is from a woman’s perspective.
    Reading this wonderful article I realize that the decision to become a member of this affiliate marketing platform was the best I have made so far.

    I think your posting is proof that here everyone can become a successful entrepreneur, have their own online business and earn some passive income. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us and hope to see many reviews from your site because you really did a great job here.

  17. I really appreciate this review. This post will be very helpful for women. Thank you so much for sharing this great article with us.

    My Wife is a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and she is running her own online business after following the training offered at WA. Can make money by doing business online at home. I think the Wealthy Affiliate platform is safe for women. And useful enough to work at home.

    I will share this post through my social media. I hope other women like my wife will be interested too.

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