how to turn your passion into Profitable online business

How To Turn Your Passion Into profitable Online Business


Today we are going to talk about how to turn your passion into a Profitable online business. As more and more people spend time online, there are many opportunities to turn your passion into an online business, and I want to show you how.

Step One, Find Out What Your Passion Is

 how to turn your passion into Profitable online business

What is that one thing that you are really passionate about? is there something that you can talk about all day and not get tired? if the answer is yes, then you are sitting on a gold mine, you have something you love and you can create wonderful content about that topic.

Identifying your passion will help you build a business idea around that passion, and the beauty of online business is that your customer base is worldwide, so Let’s say you create a website and you start putting out great content that will rank on search engines, then you join Affiliate Networks and find products that you can recommend to your audience, voila your business has begun.

I have seen so many people who are passionate about something, they start a blog just to share their passion with people, they don’t even monetize their blog, I mean it’s not a bad idea to make some money while you are helping people and giving them helpful information, as well as helping them find the right products to use.

I recently contacted a blogger who is very passionate about the environment and saving planet earth, there were so many people asking some really good questions that the blogger could leverage, for example, there were people asking about recyclable household products and how or where to get them, environmentally friendly brands in different products.

I could see that the blogger had recommended some products and brands, but there were no links, so I contacted the blogger privately and I asked her, why don’t you have links to those products that you are recommending, I mean yours is a big blog with a huge following and you could really help people by offering them the way to purchase those products.

By advising people on where to get products you are helping them and you will help yourself too

 how to turn your passion into Profitable online business


And you will make commissions too as your audience buy the products, it’s obvious that you are giving very helpful information, she said she was so passionate about what she does that she didn’t even bother with the monetization of the Blog because she did not want money to take the center stage of her blog.

Now I respect that way of thinking, because indeed when you start doing product reviews, you will spend a lot of time researching and adding links to the reviews, and maybe that could take away from creating the content that you want your readers to really get into. I understand that a lot of bloggers who are really passionate about a cause, they just want to write about that cause and educate people about that subject and that is very noble.

However, it doesn’t hurt to at least apply for Google AdSense, or other advertisers so they can place ads on your website and you could earn some revenue that way, you can control what kinds of ads that can appear on your website.

What if I Can’t find Business Idea?

 how to turn your passion into Profitable online business

OK so Let’s see, Let’s say your passion is bird watching, and Let’s say that you think you can not make that into an online business, I say you can and I will show you how what kinds of things do you need in order for you to be a great bird watcher? you probably need a good pair of binoculars right? and since the bird watching is done our doors, you probably need a good pair of our door shoes.

How about a hat, and a pair of sunglasses for when you go outside on sunny days, a good backpack to carry your equipment and perhaps a good water bottle or coffee bottle or maybe even a bottle that holds both coffee and water, I actually saw one called H2Joe, it’s one bottle and it can hold cold water and hot coffee do you see where I am going with this?

You can do reviews of things that you use for your bird watching and help other bird watchers to find good products and you will make commissions that way, these days you can find Affiliate programs for all kinds of products because more and more companies are choosing to use affiliate marketing as a way of advertising since people are spending so much time online.

But All I like Is playing Video Games

 how to turn your passion into Profitable online business

I had actually mentioned this in another article about people who are spending so much time playing video games. As a gamer, you will be the perfect person to do reviews on the best or the worst video games, because you know how they work, if you tell me to talk about video games, I don’t know heads or tails about them so I will be the wrong person to talk about video games.

The biggest mistakes people make is building websites and creating content about things they don’t know or they are not even interested in, that could make your job very difficult and very stressful. So if your passion is video games, then why not build a website where you will be talking about video games and reviewing products within that niche.

I actually think venturing into video game Niche would be very profitable if you are familiar with them.

The Tools You Need To Set Up Your Business

OK, this is the easiest business to set up. You only need a computer, and an internet connection, then you need to start Affiliate Marketing training and not only that, you need a community that will have your back and guides you through the process of building your online business.

And I got you covered because as you know I am a member of the biggest Affiliate training program in the world, of course, I am talking about Wealthy affiliate, Please read my full review here and if you like what you read, create a free account and give it a try.

As You will see in the review, that program is one stop for you and you can just start your business straight away, you won’t need to go anywhere else.

 how to turn your passion into Profitable online business


Online business is an opportunity for anyone who has a passion that they would like to turn into a lucrative income, and it’s not even difficult to set up an online business as we have seen. And it’s not just about Affiliate Marketing, you can set up your own online store if you are a photographer and you would like to showcase your work and sell the photos you can do so.

Also if you are gifted and you can create things like art, you can sell those too through your own website, it’s better when you have your own store because selling on other peoples websites, means that you are losing some of your income because you have to give commissions to those websites, how about you build your own website and make your own money without part of it going to a big brand like eBay Or Amazon.

Anyway, I hope you have found some useful tips that you can utilize, I also hope that I have inspired you to pursue your dreams and make them come true. if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below and I will be very happy to interact with you.

Thank you for your time


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10 comments on “How To Turn Your Passion Into profitable Online Business

  1. Hi Rose

    There is an old adage to never get a person talking about their passion as they will never shut up about it. If you can convey that passion and make money then why wouldn’t you about about it from the highest mountain. Your article on why blogging and affiliate marketing can be good for your bank balance was an interesting read but people may ask, why should a person listen to my blog after all I am not an expert. I believe being not an expert is better as you can relate to your audience much better. The other possible quibble is that isn’t the blogging market saturated.

    Thank you


    1. Thank you so Much, Antonio, wow! I had not heard about that saying about not asking someone about their passion lol, yes you make a very good point, making money when doing something you love to do is what blogging is all about.

      There is room for all of us, think about how many people are online every single day searching for things, for information, for service, for products, for smart quotes lol

  2. It’s true you can earn money with your passion, and even make a living at some point. It’s also true that if you do, you’ll be happy. How many people say they don’t like their job. Or like their job but not their employer, work environment etc. I’m not saying quit right away to blog full time, that won’t work. But I absolutely agree if you blog about something you are both passionate and knowledgeable about, you can at some point grow this into a nice extra income or even a downright dayjob. And it can also be a pension plan 🙂  Well written piece 🙂

    1. Yes Dave, of course, we are not telling people to go and quit their jobs tomorrow lol but if you start while you still have your 9 to 5, then with time you will be able to grow your business and indeed at some point you will kiss your boss goodbye ( OK, maybe not kiss lol)

  3. Hello

    Your website is quite interesting. I really liked the domain name, good job there. I agree with you on turning passion into a business. The article is very motivating and provides some good tips too. Also, if one tries to build a website about something which he has no knowledge of, it really becomes stressful. I have experienced that myself. 

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Yes, Shaswat. Prakash, when building a niche website, it has to be something you like and also something that you know a few things about because writing all those articles on something that you are not interested in or are not so much familiar with, could be really stressful.

  4. Affiliate Marketing is indeed getting popular and more stable online business nowadays. I have different interests that I would like to share with everyone. I am just a little doubtful if it’ll be engaging enough because a lot of bloggers or content writers have been doing it for years. I am quite knowledgeable with make up and cosmetics, cooking, and essential oil products. These are common interests nowadays. My fear is that a lot of articles have been submitted online and I am not sure if I bring a fresh and unique ideas on the table. 

    Still, thank you for sharing these valuable information. I especially like your suggestion of endorsing my own real products instead of relying to affiliate companies. I hope I can do this someday.

    1.  Hi MissusB, Your content will be original because if you put the two of us together and you give us a tomato and tell each of us to say things concerning that tomato, I can guarantee you that you will not say the same exact things that I will say, and also your way of talking is different to mine which means your content is yours.

      So don’t be afraid, if you are passionate about essential oils, then share your passion with the world.

  5. Thanks for this wonderful article, you have surely inspired me to turn my passion in to an online business. I have heard a lot about affiliate marketing and how it works, but never really understood that I could potentially start on something I am passionate about.

     I am really excited to know I can actually make money from something I already love doing, and will definitely give this a go.

    Thanks for also including a platform that can help one get started. I can’t wait to exploit this great opportunity and see where it goes.


    1. Hi Queen, I am glad that you found my article helpful and inspiring, so what is your passion? whatever it is go ahead and make it into a passive income. good luck to you.

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