Clickbank University review 2019

Clickbank University Review 2019


Today we are going to look at Clickbank University and we are going to see what its all about and if it’s worth your money, does it work? is it legit or is it a scam designed to take your hard-earned cash? sit back and relax as we dive into our article titled Clickbank University review 2019.

As an affiliate marketer, you need to be aware of the products that are out there and the different training programs that you can take advantage of and learn affiliate marketing and my job here at, is to give you as many options as possible, as I begin a series of reviews, I want to do lots of reviews of different products, so you as my reader can have a variety of products to consider.

So without any delay, let’s get into our review.

What is Clickbank University?

Name- Clickbank University


Creators/owners- Justin Atlan and Adam Horwitz

Price- $47 monthly fee plus upsells

Clickbank University is a training program that will train you to either to sell your own digital products like ebooks or online courses or they will teach you how to sell other people’s products online.

As as a training program Clickbank university is got good material and the training is of good quality to teach you what you need to know about selling your products or becoming an affiliate marketer and they do have a community that will help you during the process, the training will consist of video training and written lessons which will mainly focus on teaching you how to create your own product.

And also teach you how you can get affiliates to promote your product on Clickbank and as we all know Clickbank is one of the biggest affiliate networks in the world boasting of over a million affiliates within its network promoting all kinds of products, my next review will be about Clickbank itself and we will go into more details about this network and see how people are making big money with it.

You will also learn how to create a website within their website builder as well as funnels and landing pages, and there is a lesson on how to drive traffic to your website. after they teach you how to create your product, they will also teach you how to sell that product on Clickbank and they will also teach you how to create a membership section on your website so people can sign up

And I think if your aim is to create and sell your own info products, then you will definitely find this training useful.

Can I Learn Affiliate Marketing At Clickbank University?

 Clickbank University review 2019

Because the training didn’t have a lot of focus on affiliate marketing which is how most people are choosing to make money online, and to be honest I think affiliate marketing is way easier and better, especially for beginners who just want to dive into making money online without creating and selling their own products online.

Anyway, in 2019 Clickbank University had a big facelift where they updated the program to include a lot of affiliate marketing training,  by upgrading their training, they Clickbank university training program saw a rise in the number of new members, and this goes to show that people prefer learning affiliate marketing better than learning how to create their own products.

I mean when you start as an affiliate marketer, there is a chance for you to create your own stuff as you progress in the business and gain authority and knowledge, but in the beginning people are more interested in making money online by learning how to sell other people’s products which is what you are doing as affiliate marketer.

So when you join this program you have a choice of either starting with Affiliate marketing training or going for the product creation training.

 The Good Things About Clickbank University

 Clickbank University review 2019

Here are somethings that I found that I can give thumbs up to

Learning directly from Clickbank you have an advantage, the fact that you are learning directly within one of the biggest affiliate networks in the world, you will have an upper hand when it comes to finding and promoting products as well as if you want other affiliates to promote your products.

Active community by having an active community of marketers, who are always on the forum and answering questions from the new members, it helps because one may have a pressing matter that needs to be addressed straight away.

Weekly Live classes, that are designed for Q&A,

Web builder and landing page creation training by making it easy for a beginner to build a website and create a landing page and a funnel, it makes it easier to start as an affiliate marketer.

Lessons about traffic by facebook ads they provide you with training about Facebook ads, now this is helpful and can help you drive traffic to your website, if Facebook doesn’t pull your ads, because based on many affiliate marketers, Facebook is not very fond of Affiliate program ads and they tend to pull them down with no reasonable explanation. And they can ban your account too.

YouTube ads course you will learn how to drive traffic to your website with YouTube ads

30-day refund 

The Not So Good Things About Clickbank University

 Clickbank University review 2019

 Upsells the initial price is reasonable but, when you get into the program, there are upsells, like when you want to use the web builder.

Lack Of SEO any online business, in order to succeed, it needs traffic and learning how to drive free organic traffic to your website by content creation and SEO should be at the center of any affiliate marketing training program. Clickbank university did not focus on this aspect of the business.

The lessons are not delivered all at once in order for you to get the lessons at once you need to request, otherwise, they will be dribbling a little at a time. I find this to be very disappointing because you really don’t want to waste time learning a little at a time. You want to be done with the lessons as soon as possible so you can get into the business.

You might be stuck with them if you host your website with them there is a possibility that the website you build using their web builder can not be moved to another hosting, so if down the road you decide you want to take your business to another direction, you could be stuck.


In my opinion, this is a good program and especially for someone who wants to create and promote their own digital product, but I think for the price they are charging, they could do better, and I also think that they could and should have included an in-depth SEO training because that is the best way to get traffic without having to spend money, yeah it takes a while but with time you will get a steady flow of traffic to your website.

I think things like Facebook ads or Google ads Should be just for boosting your traffic but they should not be your primary source of traffic.

When I was thinking about writing this article, I thought of comparing this program to Wealthy Affiliate, which the best affiliate training program in my opinion and its pocket-friendly, and the training covers all aspects of affiliate marketing and all sources of traffic, paid traffic as well as free organic traffic.

And there are no upsells, the price you see, that’s the price you will pay for all aspects of the training.

Anyway, this was an article about ClickBank University and I will keep it that way and let you decide which one serves your needs better. So is Clickbank University a scam? NO, it’s not a scam

Thank you so much for your time, and if you have comments or questions please leave them below and I will be very happy to interact with you.


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