best web hosting 2020, image shows big text that reads best web hosting

Best Web Hosting 2020 Review Is Bluehost Still The Ruler?


Today I would like us to look at the best web hosting 2020, the reason I say 2020 is that this web hosting provider is showing signs that they will dominate the web hosting industry in 2020 just as they have done in 2019, the number of websites created every day is rising rapidly and this web hosting provider that I am going to feature in this review, have seen a significant rise in the number of new customers.

Which is a clear indication that they are going to be ruling the web hosting kingdom for many years to come.

So without wasting time, Let’s get into the best web hosting 2020 review

Name- Bluehost


Country- United States

Year Launched- 2003

Founder- Matt Heaton

Current Owners- EIG Group


I am going to be doing many web hosting reviews  so, we are going to start with the web hosting company that has made its name by providing hosting for millions of websites worldwide, this is a company that WordPress recommends for hosting their websites so if you intend to start a Word Press site, then this would be a good place to host your website.

Bluehost is one of the trusted web hosting companies in the world, they have been in business for many years

Who Will Benefit From Bluehost?

best web hosting 2020 image shows a chat of bluehost indicating their web hosting services

1 someone who is starting a blog and need a reliable web hosting

2 Affiliate Marketer who is looking for web hosting to host their Affiliate marketing website

3 Someone who is looking for web hosting for their online store

4 Owners of a small or large business who are looking for hosting for their websites

5 Someone who needs a domain and hosting

Bluehost has the highest uptime at 99.99%, for those who don’t know what uptime means, it means your website is online, the reason why this is very important is that, no matter how hard you work, if you have a crappy hosting where your website keeps going offline, then your work will be for nothing because people will not be able to find it and also the search engines will lower your rankings which means even when your website comes back online, it will be at the bottom in rankings.

You Should Not Choose A Webhosting That Has Less Than 90 % Of Up Time, BlueHost Has Up Time Of %99.99

Which will cause you to lose money and cause you lots of frustration because web hosting problems are the kinds of problems that are out of your hand, so you can’t fix it your self, you have to totally rely on your web hosting provider, to fix the problem or you might have to move your website to a different web hosting which again takes time and money.

I am telling you all this so you can make a wise decision, at the beginning of your online journey so you can start on the right path.

Choosing web hosting is one of the most important decisions that you have to make for your business.

When you subscribe to Bluehost, they will give you a free domain to use for the first year, then you will have to pay for the domain the following year (hopefully by then your website will be making money)

You will also get support and security, the support team can be contacted anytime via live chat or even by phone. The security includes the SSL certificate, site lock which helps keep out any malware, back-ups for your website, and also you will get spam protection.

Bluehost Is Beginner Friendly

best web hosting 2020 image shows young people sitting around the table giving each other high five

Another thing that sets Bluehost apart from other web-hosting providers, is the fact that despite being a huge company that serves many websites ( over 2 million websites) including big companies, they are very beginner-friendly and even if you are just starting out and maybe you are not a tech kind of person, you will still be able to install your Let’s say WordPress site with just a click.

The truth is Bluehost has been in business for many years and they surely have seen a number of people who are seeking web hosting and they do not have much experience with websites.

Bluehost Has All The Tools You Need As A Beginner

So they have provided tools to help beginners with their websites, these tools include SEO tutorials, Email, and social media marketing tutorials, and as we mentioned earlier, they have built a strong security and support system to keep your website safe and secure.

They know how to simplify things because they understand that many people are starting blogs these days and that does not mean that everybody who starts a blog necessarily knows the technical beats of running a blog. And that is why most people are choosing to host their websites in Bluehost.

So Let’s make a list of the good things you get in Bluehost

best web hosting 2020 image shows a man writing on a notepad

1 Highest up time at 99.99%

2 Back-Ups For Your Website

3 Free SSL certificate

4 security package that includes anti-spam, anti-malware

5 fast page load, which speeds up your website

6 Easy to use site builder

7 one-click WordPress install

8 Pocket-Friendly especially if you lock in the lowest offer by paying in advance

9 customer support available 24/7 on live chat, phone, and email.

10 ability to build your website within Bluehost and add, apps, plugins, graphics or even start your own online store.

11 Easy upgrade from one plan to the other, giving you room to grow your business.

12 30-day money-back guarantee

Now, Nothing Is 100% Good So Lets Look At Some Not So Good Things

best web hosting 2020 image shows a man in deep thoughts

When you type Bluehost reviews in google, you will see all kinds of reviews depending on who is providing the review, so it’s really up to you to weigh your options and make the best decision for your business. One thing is for sure, Bluehost does offer the cheapest web hosting, and they do include good security and support package.

Well, when you subscribe to their hosting, in order for you to get a good deal, money-wise, you will need to pay for a year or two upfront.

Another thing is that even though they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you cancel your subscription you will be charged for the domain you got for free when you signed up so keep that in mind.

Bluehost list of cons

1 the money grantee will only cover the hosting, this means if you cancel and you have purchased other services, you will not get the money that you spent on those other services.

2 No Refunds for domains

3 No free website transfer

4 If you don’t lock in the low price, the following month the price reverts back to the normal price which is $7.99 per month.

Bluehosting banner showing offer for web hosting

Because Bluehost makes it possible for you to access many services within their platform, it’s easy to run your online business without having to go elsewhere to find add-ons for your website.

Today I have mainly focused on the basic plan of hosting within Bluehost but they have packages for any size of business, there are plans that are designed for large businesses and there are plans for small businesses. And of course, the basic which is just for one website, which is suitable for a beginner. Check out their plans here


Bluehost has been in the web hosting business for many years and they have mastered their craft, which means they will continue to host websites for many years to come, and despite some reviewers trying to tarnish their good name, Bluehost’s records speak for themselves and they are very loud.

Over 2 million websites is not a joke, it’s obvious they are doing something right for all those businesses to put their trust in this company. Now I will leave it to you, to decide. Mine is to give you options to consider and I do have many reviews on this site, so you make up your own mind about which direction you want to take your business.

I will leave it there for now but before I go, I would like to hear your views about Bluehost, please leave your comments below. Have you hosted with Bluehost do you like their service? Do you have a blog and if so would you consider hosting it in Bluehost?

Thank you so much for your time and for your comments


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2 comments on “Best Web Hosting 2020 Review Is Bluehost Still The Ruler?

  1. Impressive review! You’ve really touched on all the points of interest I was looking for starting a new website. I’ve heard about Bluehost and wanted to know if they really are the best web-hosting service available into 2020. It sounds like they are well on their way to being at the top. Do you know if I could get 2 websites for the price of the $3.95/month, or does that only work for the first site you create with them?

    1. Hi, Paul, thank you for your comment, the $3.95 is the price to hosting one website, but they do give you a free domain for the first year so I think its still good value for money.

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